How it all started (2003)
About a year ago my brother became father, which made me an uncle. After buying all the standard baby-items, my girlfriend, Lieke, thought of something new...Let's stitch a picture of the little girl for Christmas!
As you might already know, it isn't easy to get from a picture to a crossstitch design by hand. I tried several photo editing programs and eventually came up with a pattern....But then the colours had to be matched to flosscolours. Lieke did her best finding the colours in the embroidery shop. We decided that there had to be a way to automate this process.
Being a programmer since I was a little boy, I started to think what steps were needed to get form start to finish.
Meanwhile I found out that on the internet there where several tools and services available to get this result. Too bad that the (e)mail-services take several days before the pattern is available, and the software tools are quite expensive.
Being the webmaster of my department at university in my spare time, I thought it should be possible to make the service online available.
That's how it started, and a couple of months later, this service was born!
What's special about us
When I saw all the expensive tools on the internet, I couldn't believe that they dared to ask such high prices for a hobby. As a little more affordable alternative there are the services providing an over-week pattern generation. Why can't it be fast and affordable?
Having the internet as a shared medium, this is exactly what I've done. You can all use the same tool at a fraction of the cost of having to buy the tool.
We wish you lots of pleasure using this tool. If you have any comments, please let us know through the mail. Our contact information can be found on the 'Contact' page.
Enjoy it,
Danny & Lieke